Fri, Jan 19, 2024
Hello and welcome to my closet!
First off, thank you for being here. Truly and dearly, from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate each and every one of you. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love to do.
So now, let’s talk about this newsletter: More and more I find myself thinking about my personal style. But it’s specifically about two different points — 1. What am I trying to convey with my outfits and am I achieving that? and 2. Am I building a wardrobe that reflects that?
I love that personal style is something you build, day by day, over a lifetime, that is never fully formed because we are always changing. It’s exciting! But I want to do this in an intentional way; to reduce the amount of stuff that I bring into my world and how to keep track of and use what I already own. And what a perfect time to be considering this. It’s the beginning of the new year, I’m in a bit of an outfit slump, I just brought in a handful of newness that I want to get into the mix.
Hence, the theme of our first newsletter: closet organization.
Here’s something that you should know about me—I’m ruthless when it comes to my wardrobe (and most other things in my life). If it’s not making me happy, or at worst, if it's making me feel guilty, it’s gotta go. Those drop crotch pants I bought in Italy that I paid too much for? That drawer of sentimental t-shirts that I never wear? The thing that used to fit me (or never fit me) but one day it just might? Lets address all that stuff and make a fresh start, shall we?
Let’s start with the garments.
I do full closet sweeps twice a year; Spring and Fall. I take a weekend day, get the playlist fired up, and go through every garment in my closet.
Here is my yes and no flow chart:
Have I worn this garment in the last year?
a. Yes, great, keep it around and see if it makes the rotation for this year.
b. No, because:
1. It’s a sentimental keepsake/something I’m handing down/memorabilia
- Wedding dresses, grandma’s ballgowns, great grandpas chore coat, all of these things can be stored and free up valuable closet space.
- Concert purchases or things bought on vacation etc etc? Consider framing them? Making them decoration? If you don’t wear, they can’t be in your working closet, and they gotta go. Sell or store.
2. It’s rare/vintage/occasional.
- Vintage pieces are really fun and can add a ton of personality to your wardrobe, but if you don’t know how to style them they’ll sit around. Let’s put them to use!
- If it’s something dressy and you rarely wear it but it fits great and is timeless, keep it, but maybe store in a dust bag in another closet.
- Formalwear is tricky. Unless going to formal events is part of your lifestyle, consider selling and making room for harder working pieces
3. It needs work/doesn’t fit.
- If there are garments that don’t fit you, can they be tailored to? If yes, put them in a pile for tailoring. Otherwise, SELL!
- If there are pieces that have damage or need mending, put them in a pile for the dry cleaner even if you said you were going to do it yourself. If the piece has been sitting around waiting, give yourself a pass and let someone fix it for you.
4. Do the same thing for your bags, belts, hats, and jewelry.
OKAYYYY! Now what we’ve got is your working wardrobe! The pieces that you love, look great on you, and work with your lifestyle. Here’s how I organize them in my closet:
- Check for seasonality
- If it’s a spring/summer skirt that you can’t even look at in the winter, consider storing it in another closet if you have one, otherwise put it in a garment bag with other seasonal items. When you open that bag in Spring, it’ll be like Christmas
- Separate by short and long
- Separate by solids and prints
- Check for seasonality like above!
- Put all your button downs together, then sort by color
- Put all your casual day-tops together, then sort by color
- Put all your weekend/going out tops together, again, sort by color
- Sort by color
- Work Dresses - sort like above
- Weekend Dresses - sort like above
- Going Out Dresses - sort like above
What’s not pictured here is the following that are rolled and organized by color are:
T-shirts, long and short sleeve
Jeans and casual pants
Knit sweaters
So it’s been a while since I did this edit with my jewelry. Mostly the issue with jewelry is that I just don’t see it in front of me. I end up wearing the same things over and over because the rest of it is in little boxes or bags and hidden away. So, I bought two things on Amazon, this earring organizer and this necklace organizer. And I’m thrilled with how well they function. Look, they’re cheap, but styled they look great and it was immensely satisfying to see everything all together!
Next, I sorted all my handbags/purses, hats and belts on these over the door knob brackets from Umbra. I might end up storing bags in my closet on the shelves in their dustbags, but for now I’m going to see how this works for me. Or maybe I just switch the belts and bags, duh. Anyway! Now I can close this door! Hooray!
And finally, the shoes. Now, this is an occupational hazard, but I accumulate a lot of shoes. Some are CS, some are vintage, some are other brands I adore. Regardless, they can start to pile up. So I just took out the seasonal ones, put them in my other closet (my office lol), put the party shoes/weekenders in their dust bags and boxes and stored in the high shelves of my closet. But we’re going to talk a lot more about shoe care in the coming months, stay tuned.
But it’s not perfect yet. The key to having a working wardrobe is making sure everything is convenient and easy to get to—I have some more work to do there. I also realize that I have an entire dressing room to work with here and that is not normal for most people. I lucked out in my tiny 1920's house with an extra room off of my bedroom, that was awkwardly tucked between the bath and bed. Anyway, I plan on putting in a shelf above my double dressers for shoes/shoe boxes. I’m going to find an artful way to store my hats. And start testing shoe storage, it’s always tricky. Ideally, I want to fit a chair or upholstered pouf in here that I can sit on and a little table.
Alright. To be continued my friends! I would love to get your feedback so please just reply to this email with any questions or suggestions and we’ll try to get to all of them!
Love to all, and happy editing!
Xo, C