In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes


#InHerShoes / 2021

Ok yes, our shoes are real cute, but what's even more cute and cool and stylish and inspiring are all the badass people in our shoes. So this year, we decided to pass the mic to some longtime supporters and CS connoisseurs, and asked them to help bring our shoes to life. The challenge? Style one shoe three different ways and tell us a little bit about yourself while doing it. The result? As expected, incredible.

Keep scrolling to see what Elhom (@elhomkarbassi on IG) gets up to in our Apricot Check Elenas.

Who are you and what are you about?
I'm an Iranian American sex educator, stylist, professional thrifter, abolitionist community organizer, bartender and dog mom living in Chicago.

Where are you from & where do you live now?
I'm from Savannah, GA, I now live in Chicago.


How did you find out about Charlotte Stone?
Erika Hart <3


Describe your style in three words.

Colorful, eclectic, surprising.



On an average day, you’ll find me in:
My friend in high school once told me to always leave the house like I'm going to run into my ex. I've grown out of the feeling of caring about what other folks think about how I look, but held on to the desire to look cute af every time I leave my house. Some days I'll be more subdued with an all-black base, and a bright jacket and shoes, and some days my whole outfit will be neon. There's truly no way to know what I'm gonna get on any given day.

Fashion and curating a good fit bring me a lot of joy and happiness.


When I’m not working, you’ll find me:
I've gotten lucky in the last year to begin to make a life where 'work' comes second to doing all the things I love. In that, I have started making money off the things I love, so it becomes difficult to separate when I'm working and not, but in a good way! But I guess the real answer is hanging with my dog, Mushroom, drinking wine with my friends, hanging out in nature, and unfortunately, oftentimes watching way too many hours of TikTok.


What are you passionate about?
Pleasure-centered, comprehensive, affirming sexual Health Education!! Helping folks feel affirmed and beautiful in their clothes in an accessible way. Abolition and Decolonization. And sustainable fashion (thrifted and up-cycled clothing).


Who or what inspires or influences your style?
I was raised by divorced parents, so I spent half my time with my immigrant Iranian dad who is hella into looks, appearances, and aesthetics. So I was taught from a young age that it was important how the world perceives you. I think this came from a mix of Persian culture being that way, but also from feelings of a need to assimilate. I spent the other half of my time with my painter of a mother who for much of my childhood was the definition of a struggling artist. This led to us thrifting everything! I remember when I was young feeling embarrassed about it, but looking back, I think we would have thrifted even if my mom had millions because the uniqueness of the finds and clothing was what she loved. To this day, my mom and I go thrifting for unique pieces every time we're together. I think growing up with these two dichotomies really shaped my personal style and how I show up in the world.


Do you have a style icon? Why are they your style icon?
I wouldn't say a style icon exactly? A lot of folks I follow help inspire outfits I curate. Erika Hart is a bit of a life icon for me? haha. And their fashion is so good, so maybe I can say she is. I think her clothing just always looks so effortlessly put together and perfectly bold.


What are you watching or reading or hobbying right now?
I just recently got sucked into The Last Kingdom on Netflix, so I'm really into Vikings right and so obsessed with the show. I just finished The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, I normally read more non-fiction so it was a really fun and well-written break from the sometimes depressing things I read. I used to skateboard a lot and am currently trying to get back into it...


What three things could you not live without?
My dog (Mushroom), coffee, and I hate to admit it but honestly my phone...


What article of clothing are you living in right now?
I recently thrifted a jean jacket with a semi-truck embroidered on the back and I've been styling my outfits around it a lot. I've also been wearing my Paz A LOT this week.


What “traditional” styling rule do you love to break?
I love mixing all the colors and prints....

like I don't even knows what the rules are but I'm 99% sure most of my fits would break them.


What is one weird fashion trend from your youth that you kind of wish came back?
I sat here for 10 minutes and thought about all the things I wore in middle school and can honestly say I hope none of it comes back...


What is one thing about yourself people might be surprised to find out?
I spent two years living in a village of 700 people without running water and just electricity for a few hours a day.



Meet Juany

#InHerShoes / 2021

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